Hello everybody, I just signed up and I was wondering if anyone could let me know if I could come up to pick up my key any time or it HAS to be on a open house? I was at a open house this last month but just decided to join. The open house days are a little inconvenient for me .
Come up to the front and knock on the normally unused door on the right. That door leads to the common room and there’s usually someone in there. Key fobs are in the galley in a half sized bin, IIRC, and you can log into the billing system and enter the fob’s number under your account to activate it.
alirght thank you very much!
Saturday we are having our annual BIG Open House. That is Saturday, October 7th from 11 to 5pm.
This is a volunteer organization, Thursday night is the only guaranteed night when we have all hands.
You do not have to come during an open house. It is a roll of the dice though if there is an issue.
There will be a slew of people around tomorrow evening cleaning and doing final prep before the open house on Saturday. You’ll easily find help then.
awesome, sadly I wouldn’t be able to make it Saturday so I will try to come by tomorrow.
Welcome to Makerspace. There is a computer by the door with box of blue fobs and white cards. choose which every you want. The have the serial number printed on them. On the white cards there are two groups of numbers, the one with leading zeroes s the serial number. If you can’t get it activated for whatever reason, send me a PM with the number and I’ll activate it remotely.
Again welcome to your new addictive place!