The new clay container is now in place behind the slab roller, on the brown shelf. The goal is to keep it stocked with (free) clay that is well-mixed and moist, ready to go for throwing or soft slab/handbuilding. I’m rough wedging clay before it goes in but I recommend giving it a few more goes before use. Please replace the towel after pulling clay and make sure the latches are all down so the gasket can seal the bin, thanks!
If there is anyone that has permissions for the vinyl cutter, it could use some snazzy ‘Free Clay’ labeling. I’d sing your praises to at least three people!
If you have any dried out clay that you would like to contribute (or if you’d just like to learn how to quickly re-condition for your own use), give me a shout.
It was printed by @steve at home so no worries. I don’t think there is a charge for using the vinyl printer for DMS but I’m not sure how it is accounted for.
If you use DMS vinyl for a committee, please drop a note in the payment box so we can account for its use, but no, there is no fee. If you use your own vinyl, there is never a fee for running the cutter.