For new members and prospective new members, I’ll be at DMS and available to help with badges etc. From 12-4 today. Might be able to do a few one on one tours if it’s not super busy.
Just ring the bell at the main entrance.
For new members and prospective new members, I’ll be at DMS and available to help with badges etc. From 12-4 today. Might be able to do a few one on one tours if it’s not super busy.
Just ring the bell at the main entrance.
@Bones Christopher, if you can make it today - here’s a chance.
Ahh man I didn’t see the notification. When is the next time this will happen?
What sort of help do you need? If your billing is good, and you just need a badge, I can help you with that.
I believe I’ll be getting my membership tomorrow, but I will need help with my badge/implant.
I just purchased a membership so now all I need is a badge, correct?
She can also give you the secret handshake.
badge and the liability waiver completed. Both have to be done on-site.
Secret handshake??! More like a secret air high five from 6 feet away
I’m looking forward to getting all of this started!
I have the implant and it’s AWESOME. However only a few people are able to do it and I’m not 100% sure who those people are now. You will need to meet with them at the space either when you get your badge or sometime after to get it done.
IIRC it’s $25-40.
@hon1nbo can offer more details.
There’s only one member that does them in-house. Dan Quevedo
He’s not around as much but pops in from time to time. We previously had a discount on the injectables from Dangerous Things, but am unsure if we still have that benefit or if you need to order a kit. Regardless our stock is pretty depleted.
On the Dangerous Things website you can find a few body piercers in the area that can do the implants
$25-40 to get the implant written? I already have an implant but I have not had a reason to use it until now lol. So 25-40 seems doable!
I have done all 5 of mine on my own. Learned a lot along the way. I have an xEM but I have no way to write to it, and have not had a reason to until now
I think the cost was just for the device. Getting it written shouldn’t cost anything to my knowledge. That’s another @hon1nbo question.
Our implants are generally in our left hand between thumb and pointer finger. As long as yours is in a SFW place and compatible you should be good to go!
Just to be perfectly clear here: “we”, as in DMS, doesn’t install implants. That’s between you and your hopefully very sanitary piercer, tatoo artist, or other body modification specialist.
If you have one or get one, and it’s compatible with our system, it can be set up to act as your badge for free.
Great to know! thank you
Thank you for the clarification!
I know when I got mine we had a few people who could do them, however some of them are no longer with us so I didn’t know who, if anyone, was still able.