New Member, need a fob?

I just bought a membership yesterday to the Makerspace, and I would like to get started ASAP. Though I haven’t gone on any official tour, I did receive an unofficial tour from a friend of mine who’s a member. I would like to take the 3D printing class today, but I know I need to sign a waiver and get my fob. Do I need to go on an official tour before I can do anything?

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Welcome top Makerspace. You don’t need an offical tour.

Yes, you need to sign the waiver in order to get you RFID badge, that is done in the obby.

If you come to DMS, since the doors are locked, I’d suggest:

  • Go to front door, turn around 180 degrees you’ll see door straight cross from you.
  • Go to that door and knock. People are almost always in there.
  • Say you are a new member that signed up on line, need a badge and to sign waiver
  • When you sign waiver make sure email address is the same as you account. You can then get badge activated.
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Is this still the process for a new member who signed up online to get a keyfob? I have a friend who signed up and we’d like to come by this morning and get a keyfob. Where or from whome to we get the physical keyfob?

Eh… kinda… I’ll send a PM.

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