New member looking for help

Here is a video created by members on using Thor that you might find helpful.


@HankCowdog has been helping a few folks with the Thor. If you’re working with the lighter leathers (the Thor can sew 2 pieces of veg-tan leather together), I could help you with the Pfaff. The Pfaff is an older, regular sewing machine that’s made of steel, so it has the power to sew leather.


The Thor is one of the more dangerous pieces of equipment in the Creative Arts room. It requires sign-off from a qualified teacher that the new user knows how to use the equipment without hurting themselves. This video is only to remind people how to rethread the machine since we kept having a ton of people who needed refreshing on that.


Thank you guys for the prompt replies. It’s nice to see people that care. I’ll probably head up there in the morning to get all of the signing up stuff done. I watched the video already but 1) I would definitely feel more comfortable with someone showing me in person as I’m more of a hands on learner 2) I’m absolutely certain I can’t afford to replace Thor if I should break him so I’ll wait until someone has the time to show me what to do. Hand stitching is a bother but it looks nice and does the job just the same. :slight_smile:


@dryad2b Ah, yes I would definitely need Thor. My current project at its thickest is 3 pieces of 10-12oz veg tan.


Be aware that since we’re 100% volunteer that there isn’t any one person who mans the front door. Weekday mornings are probably our least populous times, which doesn’t necessarily mean nobody will be there but we have had issues in the past with packages being delivered in the mornings but nobody being there to accept them.


Oh, and go post in the Member Access category so that you can get your Green Dot, and see all the … … specialness.

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He already has: Miller July 5th 2020


I’d argue the leather cutting knives are at least as dangerous. It’s likely less dangerous than the table saws, lathes, et al, available elsewhere at DMS. That being said, it is powerful enough to sew through a 1/2” of leather and dumb enough to not be able to distinguish between cowhide and makerhide :crazy_face:

The key to using the THOR is to adjust the max speed Dial below the table low enough that you feel comfortable. It can run very slowly or very fast depending on your experience and comfort. Set it low enough and it’ll only creep through the stitching pattern at a snail’s pace.


It should help that, as a result of the leather sale, we now own a bigger table for it, so one can probably get their fingers further away from the needle.


You will also need to fill out the electronic waiver from one of the lobby kiosks. IIRC, you can’t activate a key fob until you have the electronic waiver.

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Slightly out of date guide to activating FOB, but still give the gist of the process…

Hello. New member here. I am looking for training on Thor so that I can complete a leather project. I understand that everyone here is volunteer and has their own thing going on and that Covid-19 makes everything more challenging. If someone with the ability to teach has free time to do a 1 on 1 I would really appreciate it. If payment is needed I have no issue with that. Working third shift, my availability is mostly morning to early afternoon on the weekdays but pretty much any time on the weekends. Thank you in advance.


paging @HankCowdog

Moved here since you already have a thread where you’re looking for help getting trained on the Thor.

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I won’t be able to help in the short-intermediate term: I’m currently out of state.


I hope you’re enjoying cool mountain air!

@dryad2b is your offer to teach me how to use the Pfaff still available?

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Sure! I’m here most afternoons and evenings. Tomorrow afternoon I expect to be tied up most afternoon with the Metal Shop Meeting and Workday. No other plans at this time.


I’m available weekends. Afternoon is best for me. Since you’ve got meetings tomorrow, if you’re up for it, Sunday would be great.