Hi y’all! I purchased my month membership earlier today and I’d love to get started asap but I first need my parent to sign my waiver (I’m 17) and then access my key-card. I was hoping to schedule a personal tour for this, though, especially in the ceramics department as that is my main interest. Any day in the next week works great, except the 27th and 1st of June. Thanks!
Welcome! If you can’t get a tour during the week, there are tours every Saturday from 10 to 12, as well as people available to help set up key fobs and waivers etc.
If you are going to use the Ceramics area, you need to either take the Ceramics 100 Orientation class in person (preferred) or the online Ceramics 100 Orientation (by signing into https://learn.dallasmakerspace.org).
The Ceramics 100 Orientations that are held on the 2nd Saturday of every month always have room for people to just show up, even though it says full. (Lots of no shows on Saturdays, unfortunately). I do not know if the Orientations held on other days/times are the same or not. You can look at currently offered classes by signing into https://calendar.dallasmakerspace.org
Thanks so much! I’ve already registered for the Ceramics 100 event on June 14th but I will definitely try to make it on the 8th. I was also wondering if I could at all attend @jamierazzz orientations on May 31st, if there’s a no-show, because otherwise I would have little time to pursue ceramics before my membership runs out:( I already have foundational knowledge of studio protocols because I have taken 2 ceramics courses at my school for the past 2 years, I just need approval in this space. Thanks again!!!