New member bldg access 6/8

Hi there, I’ve just activated my membership and would like to stop by soon to grab a FOB. Will anyone be there this evening or tomorrow afternoon?

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I just spotted this. I’m assuming that this is too late? I’m not going to be around tomorrow afternoon.

Thank you for replying, I ended up joining a tour with a group this evening and received my programmed FOB! I’m so excited to be a member I just couldn’t wait :joy:

Amber Zuniga


Welcome to the group and can microspikes you’ll find there’s so many things you may want to try you you will wish you had a lot more time to try it out

Thank you! Oh yes- I ended up taking a tour and my brain almost exploded from seeing all of the awesome equipment! I’m so excited and only wish I had joined sooner.

Amber Zuniga