New Member Access to Building 4/20/23

Hello, everyone! My name is Richard, and I am a new member to the MakerSpace community. I was wondering if anyone will be there in the space this evening (today is 4/20/23, current time is 19:30) who wouldn’t mind letting me in so I can set up my access fob. I’ve already toured the space and (I think) signed the waiver at the kiosk. I don’t live far from the building, so if at any point someone sees this and can let me in, I could be there in 10 minutes. Thanks!

Capt. should be in the Common Room. Ring the doorbell at the front door. Or send me a message here, and I’ll come get you.

If you already have a fob you can enter it’s number in the Maker Manager (where you manage your DMS user account) and have access work without accessing the space.

That is true, since he thinks he’s already signed a waiver.

Thank you everyone! I literally just walked in :sweat_smile:. I appreciate the help.

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