New green tool boxes

First :
Thanks to David from laser for helping Stan with the toolbox offloading(so much for fed ex calling before getting tho the Space)! It was great for me to return the favor and help get the new laser crates on the truck and remove the crates from them/move them to laser.

Unpacking before the lasers arrived

Off loaded the new lasers and unpacked them / moved them.

Tool boxes assembled
Thank for the help to Ebony, Tim, Stan, Luke S, Dave M(not a member) for helping with the assembly.


That’s not a tool box, it’s a tool room and should have it’s own committee.


That set is big enough to have its own Trunk Monkey to ensure the clean return of tools!


I LOVE the trunk monkey commercials.

I believe the tool chest might qualify for its own zip code.

I think some folks looking for a tiny home to rent stopped by for a gander at it today.


Good call on the Hong Kong Phooey sticker.

I shit you not it just appeared

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He’s a number one super guy!

Those are some awesome boxes.