New Glaze Technique Available

Hi all,

Based upon a conversation I had at the space and some information I found on Pintrest and Facebook we now have something new to try.

All of the old dried out glaze bottles i have pulled the glaze chips out and put them in a plastic container near our glaze rack. I tried the technique on the bottom of a test piece of mine and it’s pretty cool.

Close up…

This was two coats of blue gloss with about a 1/2 teaspoon of the glaze flecks sprinkled in the middle.

Enjoy :blush:


Didn’t you use to do this @dryad2b a couple years ago? or was you doing dirty pours with the little bits left in the bottles? @dryad2b was amazing at recycling.

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Well…it was new to me and I had not seen it as an option at the space in all the time I’ve been there so I thought others might enjoy trying it too.


I am sure they will love it. Simple and resourceful.

Thanks for collecting and posting, really cool idea, haven’t seen before, might try on a ring dish.

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That will pool really nice on a ring dish.

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I saw the results in person, and I cannot wait to try it as well!!!


I’ve seen some pretty stuff using “confetti” on the Amaco FB group.

Did you keep the different glazes separate? While random can be a thing, you can plan prettier if you know what you’ve got to mix. I’d been thinking ziplock bags, with the glazes marked?


They are all together now…but next go around of glaze bottles I think separating would be a great idea as well.