New Fractal Artist Introduction

Hi Everyone,

I am Sidicus Maximus, and I am new to DMS. I wanted to post to introduce myself and to also gain trust levels.

I am a fractal artist, which means I use geometry and math to make pretty pictures. Currently I am attempting to use a Gel Medium to Transfer Toner Prints onto Tiles I get from Trinity Ceramics.

I can post links after I am trusted a bit :slight_smile:

I hope you are all having a great day and look forward to having fun here.


PS If you have a question about fractals please let me know!


Sid, was great to meet you last evening. Was really interesting to see your artwork. Would love to learn more on how you do it.

Yes, I do appreciate you showing me around. Your space really looks like a great place.

How I make my work is simple, its complex.

Fractal humor!

SMH im such a dork.

The program I use for most of my artistic works is Mandelbulb3d, which is a free download from

Making fractal art is more like photography in the way that the math is already there, I just try to find a artistic way of representing the geometry. Mostly its just a lot of trial and error. (and sometimes error is the point). I have made some interesting textures just from errors in the graphics processer! lol

We have come a LONG way from running fractint v17 on my i386 in the early 1990’s

wow I cant hardly imagine how long it would take to render things on that.