New DMS logo files available

I don’t mind changing it (and never claimed to).

I do, however, fundamentally object to the notion that this was voted upon and accepted by the membership. If this were a simple do-ocracy activity, the BoD and membership would certainly not mind my new project to rebrand DMS, rolling out 1 Apr 2016: Northern Dallas Suburban FabLab of Carrolton Good Ol’ Boys Club. Simple acronym (NDSFLCGOBC, say it a few times!). Let me know what you think of the logo:

There is value in a brand. I’ve been through two corporate rebrandings now and the most critical aspect is buy-in. I don’t think DMS branding is nearly as mission critical as a professional services firm, but this appears to at least have some resistance. Then again, the do-ocracy steamroller is the best maintained tool at DMS.

This thread started out as a pretty gentle discussion about the logo, neither hypercritical nor insulting. It’s has since devolved. Put down yer pitchforks and get back to some constructive discussion?