New committee chairs / vice-chairs Oct 2018 (action requested)

Congratulations to all the chairs who were elected and confirmed by the Board. Thank you for everything you do to make DMS successful. Similarly, congratulations and thanks to all of the vice-chairs as well.

I’d like to remind all the committees to update those names on their committee wiki page.

When a new chair/vice-chair is inducted, there are a handful of things that must happen on TALK and on the wiki. We don’t do a very good job of communicating the names of the vice-chairs, and I need to know those in order to make updates.

Please go look at the list of current chairpersons and let me know whether your vice-chair name is accurate (especially if your committee has a blank there). Thanks.


I am also now the vice-chair of electronics after the last election.


Thanks. I’ve made the Talk updates.

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