New Class up: Ceramic Polyhedral Plates and Bowls

It’s taken me a few months, but I’ve finally gotten up the gumption to host a class on ceramic polyhedral plates and bowls.

The class will be December 10 at 6pm (same day as the DMS Makermade Fair).

Because the technique involved relies on the clay slabs being dried to a certain stiffness, I’ll be preparing and cutting all of the pieces in advance, and we’ll assemble them in the class. Of course, the result will be an unglazed bisque bowl. If class attendees are not familiar with glazing I recommend that they enroll in the December 14 glaze class, or stop by Fired Arts on a Thursday or Sunday (or some other time, but those times tend to be busy) and ask about glazing.

Here’s the link to the class.

There are 5 slots available. If this class goes super well and proves popular, then I may expand the number of slots in the future.


I’m very interested but participating in makermade thingy so can’t make class. I hope you’ll repeat it

Can you 3D print extra cutters that are used for this? I would be willing to pay for a set. I signed up. I will be at the Makermade Fair but I should be able to put my stuff up and make it to class in time.

Julie, are you comfortable with the printers? I’d happily share the design files with you. If not, we can talk about which cutters you’d be interested in and I can come up with some sort of value. Minimum, I recommend the triangle, square, pentagon, and hexagon. I also have a decagon with the same side length, but it’s fairly big. It’s mostly useful for larger plates and maybe some lids.

Jeannie, the Makermade Fair should finish at 6pm. My first 20-30 minutes will be covering the use of the slab roller and discussing (briefly) choosing polyhedral forms. Showing up late wouldn’t be a huge deal. I also have someone sitting here near me who says they can help you pack up if you’d like. Just putting that out there.

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