New chairs for DMS?

Was wondering, of all the talk of tools and new stuff, has anyone thought about getting new chairs? The chairs at DMS in the “table” room are terrible.


Put it on a board meeting!

Also put a link up for the ones you think we need.

We got those on the super cheap from a police department when we were on a tight renovation budget during the move.

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Nothing fancy, just some decent chairs that go up and down and don’t have sharp metal for arm rests…something surplus like this would do:

I would have imagined that replacing broken chairs would be a “facility” maintenance sort of action and not necessarily a board action?


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It would be a large expenditure and logistics is broke at the moment so the board would be putting out the cash for it

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Understood, thanks for the explanation.

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If you are looking at surplus chairs, maybe watch slapsale auctions for a good price on a lot such as this:

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