New Calendar and Honorarium process

My thought exactly … Big word for someone who excels at building micro objects!


At the moment I can’t get the new system to accept 2 new class submissions so I’m hoping the devs are focused on basic functions and stability enhancements! :wink:

please PM/email me any errors.

Edit: Sorry I see it now. Missed it before.

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Can you please add the Shapeoko 2 to the list of tools? Thanks.

Shapeoko2 Has been added to the list of tools.

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Apologies if this topic is asked and answered…I was following this thread but it’s 165 entries now. Maybe a FAQ…?

But anywhoo…when someone registers for a class that is prerequisite for other classes, how does the system know that the person showed up for the class and successfully completed it?

Corollary question1: if someone registers, but for another person (in this case, their daughter), what are the implications?

Corollary question 2: if someone is flying standby (i.e. not registered via system but shows up at time of class) and is able to participate in class, how is system made aware of this for prerequisite purposes?

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Question1 - The name that is on the registration is the one that it is tied to. If it’s is a members only class you have to have an account to take a class. If the class is open for anyone they should just register them with their name.

Question 2 - There is a way to add them on the backend in Active Directory but this should not be encouraged. We will try to accommodate some instances, but not all.

Understood…so what steps do teachers need to take to get info int the system as to who successful completed a specific class (whether pre-registered for the class or just a stand-by)?

Not sure that the calendar view is working correctly. According to this view, August only has 30 days: And clicking on “next month” arrow reveals that September only has 29:

(If there is a better way/place to post potential bugs, requests, whatever, please advise…)

I REALLY want to stress that this should only be done only in extenuating circumstances. Someone with administrative access to Active Directory will need to go in and add the member to a security group. Again, we’re extremely taxed in Infrastructure as-is, so please don’t add to that unless there’s a really good reason. Members need to use the systems we paid to have someone custom-develop to avoid taxing Infrastructure, please.


Apparently the auto-add-to-AD-group function isn’t programmed in yet. Until this is done, there’s no difference between someone who registered and someone who flew standby in terms of adding them to the AD security group.

Once the integration is programmed in, then my first paragraph applies :stuck_out_tongue:

The better question might be, why have we been laying out money for a solution which doesn’t address the use cases which are actually observed to arise? It’s not a terribly good idea to direct your efforts at the way you feel things should go, rather than the way they do go in practice.


My understanding is that with the current version of the software there is no way to determine who actually attended a class they signed up for. So for something like woodshop basics where it is a prerequisite for taking other classes and using the tools someone has to enter the attendee information into the database. At least until the software is update to allow for some means of identifying who actually attended a class rather then just signed up for it.

Ohhhhhhh… I thought there was a roll call feature for teachers.
@AlexRhodes wat

Is it possible to have a sort by committee function on the calendar?

This is correct, and Woodshop does manually enter the rolls into AD for now.

I also manually add the people that attend the Dye Sub class to the AD security group for the Dye Sub Printer.

We will need something similar for the Leathercraft class now that the Leathercraft Cabinet requires training before use. Whome should we contact about this?

In the very first post I stated that it was a feature that it was coming. The stop gap is to manually enter them into Active Directory. I don’t have a current time table till this is done, but It will be announced when it is finished.

If you have a request to have a Pre Req added Please email me the list of names and what group they should be a part of.

There is the Category function and we can add more categories but that only works when instructors select them when inputting events. Let me know if need another category added, but I would suggest we not go crazy… keep it generic as possible like painting instead of entries for watercolors, acrylic painting, etc.

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Are all instructors supposed to be doing this for any tool for which we have stated that training is required?

We have many tools for which training is required. For many of these, it’s the honor system of usage after the person is trained … there is no special computer access that’s required and (most likely) no follow-on training that would require a prerequisite. Two examples would be the Babylock Embroidery machine and the Shapeoko.

Personally, I’m perfectly happy with the honor system, but if you need me as an instructor to enter people into the AD, then I need
(a) to know your expectations and
(b) a little hand-holding / training on how to do this.

IMO that’s up to the committees involved etc., but from a pure technological implementation standpoint, it’s only important when certain classes are entered as pre-requisites to other classes. For instance, for a Ninjaflex printing class, the pre-req was the normal 3D printing class, and this caused issues (there was a woodshop one too, but I can’t remember class at the moment).

Similar to what @AlexRhodes has offered to do, I’m willing to also enter people into AD groups if people just want to email me photos of the roles at the end of the classes as a stop gap. My username here will work. Keep in mind this might start a back and forth conversation about handwriting skills etc. :slight_smile: