Needing Laser Access This Week

Hello Everyone. I used to be a member a few years ago and purchased the DMS Full Spectrum Laser in 2016. Unfortunately it is not working at the moment and I would like to join DMS again to have access to the lasers and for several other reasons. I have a project that is due the 3rd and need to figure out how to become a member again and make sure I have everything I need to use the lasers. I am pretty sure I took the laser certification class but it has been quite some time. If I need to have a certification prior to use, is there anyone that could assist me since there isn’t anything on the calender? I tried to get this taken care of last week but JJ was unfortunately out ill the day I was available.

Hi @Ellen373, there’s a laser maintenance meeting on Saturday, November 2 at 2 pm. All other classes are here: Events |Dallas Makerspace Calendar

You might ask someone at @Team_Laser if they could sign you off individually, since the classes prior to your deadline are full. I’ve tagged them so someone will see it.

Good luck, and I hope you get what you need! (I’m not certified to teach, or I’d help you).


@michaelb Luke Olson gave me your information. My husband and I were members a few years ago and we bought the old DMS Full Spectrum laser in 2016. Unfortunately it is not working at the moment and I would like to become a member again and make sure I have what I need to use one of the lasers this week. I have a project that is due on the 3rd. I had tried to meet with JJ but unfortunately he was out sick the day I was available. Is there someone who can help me get set up? I am pretty sure I took the certification class but know that there are new lasers since the last time I was there.

I merged the earlier post into the later post, which is kind of weird, but the later post already had a comment, so… :smiley:

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Thank you so much for your response.

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You’re welcome! I hope you meet your deadline. If you aren’t able to get your membership and signoff handled in time, you could also put up a listing in the Maker Trade job category and ask someone to do the job. Again, I’m a laser newbie, or I’d help you. I don’t want to wreck your wood or glass or whatever you’re cutting/engraving.

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I was tagging @michaelb. Will he be able to see it since you closed the topic?

Yes, but I didn’t close it, I moved it into this topic. But yes, Michael will get alerted each time we tag him.

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Sorry it’s taken me so long. Been a busy day. If you can make it up, the best option would be to show up near the end of the maintenance day on Saturday (4ish). Certainly anyone who’s cleared to teach the laser classes can give you the run down and clear you to use the machines, that’s a good option if Saturday doesn’t work.

If neither of those options work let me know and we can set up a time to meet before your deadline.


I will be there tonight teaching lasers, if you want to hop in as a standby. If you could check to see if you did have the class prior, all you should need is a refresher. I should be there tomorrow night as well between 4-6 pm.


@michaelb Thank you so much for getting back to me. I need to get started on the project asap. I have about 6-8 hrs of work most likely and want to make sure I have enough time to access it. I am available this evening, tomorrow after 2pm, and all day Friday.

@squaredroots Thank you so much for your response. Unfortunately I have no way of checking because it has been several years. I had made arrangements to go to DMS last week but my contact was out sick the only day I was available and was unaware there was a class today. I can be there this evening as a standby for the class and I can also be there between 4-6 tomorrow.

@Ellen373 are you currently a member?

No. I am wanting to become a member again though.

You won’t be able to use the lasers without being a member. You should be able to log back in on makermanager and sign up again.

Yes, I understand that. I made plans to come in last week to signup with the public relations coordinator but he was out sick the day I was available. He told me it would be best if I came in to go through the process since it has been several years since I was a member. I will be there this evening and I am sure I can find someone that can help.

You can sign up online at any time. Then just get the key fob when you make it to the space.

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I have tried signing up online and it keeps saying that my username value is not valid.

Try no capitals in the username

@squaredroots I will try that. I have been here since 5:50 trying to make it to the laser class as a standby but I haven’t been able to find anyone to help me. I am currently sitting in the front.