Need Volunteers - Simple 15 Minute Expansion Project

Please help out the Expansion Team by spending as little as 15 minutes building up some electrical conduit boxes.

We need 3 holes drilled and one of them is tapped with a 10-32 thread. We are installing a green safety ground wire that is required by the Electrical Code and mounting holes. Why pay a contract Electrician to do this with when we can do it ourselves. We need 75 of these made.

All the supplies, tools, and instructions are laid out on the table located by the Expansion Office. There is even an example of the finished project. If you use the Drill Press in the Machine Shop be sure you are wearing safety glasses and have no long sleeved shirts.


Done. All 75.

Zack, Mike, Maureen & Jordan

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Wow! You should feel very proud of your accomplishment. I sure am. When an Electrican charges $150 per hour, how much money did you save DMS?

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$2812.50. Assuming each took 15 minutes.

Happy to do it.

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Well, it took 3 people 2.5 hrs… $1,125. Of course, the electrician might have finished quicker.


4 people. I just wasn’t in the pics, as I was taking them. We started out with two, and folks joined us as we were working. Good little project. Hope there are more.