Need to machine a saw fence

I want to make a sliding tapered rip fence for my smaller micro table saw. The front and back “clamp” to the edge of the saw with set screws and as the taper slides, the distance between the rip fence and blade increases/decreases slightly. I will leverage the design from my larger saw/fence.

I’m struggling with an easy way to make the 3.5 degree slider. The inspiration fence has a sheet metal “slider” that fits over a machined base. If I were going to make a bunch of these, I’d probably make a sheet metal punch and die set-up. For qty one, the only thing I can think of is to hog it out of an aluminum bar. We can debate whether it would be a continuous piece, or separate pieces bolted together but either way I end up machining a fair amount of metal from an angled piece. I’m thinking mill rotary table here.

Second photo shows the hogged out version concept. It’s 7" long, so not a huge part.

FWIW, I know the size and mounting concept of the CAD version work because I’ve already made that as a “regular” rip fence. I’m not worried about calibration marks.



Could Linear Rail, T slot track, C/T channel or 80-20 aluminum extrusions be adapted to your project?

That is cut the rail assembly at the required angle and bolt it to the clamp?

Look at other brands on the left side and do a deep dive on the 80-20 inc link for fasteners and accessories. Keep 80-20 inc check marked then add other brands like PowerTek T track etc. This will focus the search on rail and associated accessories instead of LED lighting supplies.

