Need to fix time for 2021 November meeting

I went to pull a link for someone, and it says that we’re starting the meeting at midnight. Somehow I don’t think this is right…


@procterc what time is this supposed to be at? We are required to have a consistent meeting time and we are yet again at a different meeting slot (assuming that noon was placed as the supposed correction)

Looking at the uploaded minutes for August (last available, not posted for contesting at any recent meetings) it says a vote for effectively “check the calendar” for the monthly meeting, but that’s not what was voted on (and at the very least I was marked as tallied for that meeting and I definitely wouldn’t have been part of the “unanimous” vote for that item since the rules don’t allow it).

Was it 3pm? I recall that was the choice but I may be misremembering the time decided.

It’s on the calendar at this point, but we also still need to get background on the new welder proposal since a number of welding teachers and committee members still don’t know what’s going on there. A major vote and changing the meeting time multiple times is likely going to throw people this close to it.

Where is this a rule?

Nvm, I found it in the rules.

Thank you very much for letting me know I’ll correct it

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