Would it be practical to powder coat this “pot”? (I don’t intend to coat the penny or the wooden spoon).
I want both the inside and the outside coated. I plan to paint the handles a different color after the powder coating, so if they don’t get coated perfectly it’s not a problem.
I’m sorry to ask questions, but…
Why do you want it powder coated?
I’d think keeping the copper and letting it patina would be desirable.
My impression:
It should powder coat just fine (outside; inside might be a challenge to “spray” well on something that small), although I’m not accustomed to seeing pieces that small. I’m reminded of the dude who made his own tooltags and powercoated the recesses to make them pop. If I can find that video, I’ll post it, for whatever value that might have (I’m sure you’ve seen it before).
2 reasons - to hide my crappy solder job … but more importantly because the scene in which I plan to put it really calls for an enamel pan. Copper would have been too fancy.
It would be really cool to try drawing the copper to create the pot. You could do a real glazed enamel coating if you did that. But then again deep drawing metal is really tricky. Especially at the scale you work at, I could see it becoming really difficult.
Yes, it would be really cool. I don’t know anything about that … but it would be really cool. (I used the lathe for this one).
Interesting suggestion. Since this is entirely copper, I might be able to enamel it. I need to ask the jewelry folks about that as an alternative … @nausser915 -who would be a good person in your group to ask about enameling my copper pot?
What a cute little pot and spoon!!! . I think it would be cool to enamel it and I can help you with that. I have to admit though I think it’s cool the way it is in copper. What kind of solder did you use (silver)?
I like it in copper, too, but it’s going in a scene with my great-grandmother (I’m replicating a photo). They were poor immigrants so I’m certain they couldn’t afford a copper pot.
If you want to enamel it we can un-solder your piece, clean it all off and resolder with a different kind that can withstand high temperatures and then proceed with enameling. Just let me know if you want to proceed with that and I can help you
Thanks. I actually have silver jeweler’s solder, all the way up to hard flow - I just didn’t think about the implications of what I did use. And now that it’s soldered I’m reluctant to disassemble it to resolder it.