Need help with a print in green ABS please, ASAP

Dexcom arm cover

I need one of these printed for my friend for her son who has type1 diabetes.

Please help me out and print it and toss it in my storage box in the galley (top center) and let me know how much to paypal.

  • Doug Emes

I’ll see if I can run it for you today


No green. Can I paint it green?

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I have some green ABS at home, if this hasn’t been printed yet.

-the purring dork


No green to print with up here. Thanks!!

Yall rock, thanks so much. Been a hellish work week, 1st world problems worked about 70 hours this week. Comter lives / works over here in Garland. My cell is 2145009813, Ill happily drive whereever this weekend to retrieve. This is going to make that little boy very happy

Print successfully completed and I hope the kid and parent find it useful! Let me know if another one is needed or something. I’m actually considering printing a couple more and just listing them for sale…

-the purring dork

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Caelan was thrilled and his momma is happy. Ill let ya know in a couple
days any suggested mods for it.