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Hi so I’m a nut for industrial robots. Well versed in panel building, basic electrical work, electromechanical systems, still a novice in microcontrollers and robotics. I recently aquired a fanuc p150 paint robot with controller and a p155 paint robot without controller. The p150 with controller I have gotten to a stage of dormant power up. I.e. override all emergency stop signals and safety board fans turn on. Control boards alarm lights state data is being transferred etc. That’s all I can get it to do. The p155 I am working on setting up with new drivers to run on Linux CNC. I’m about to give up on the controller, sell what I can out of it. Or gut it and use it’s cabinet. Before I do that I figured I’d make one ditch effort to get some help from someone more knowledge able than me…at the very least if not get the system to run on it’s own plcs learn to use it’s drivers. The system is 208 3 phase and I have the means to take the 1 ton system to the space. I can trade anyone’s help with welding work/ light fabrication that’s my forte. I do know these things can murder you and have no idea they did so. Thanks
A great many possible applications…I have fantasized about taking comparable units and mounting on a bobcat chassis…and one of these possible uses is having the p-150 (Boris) duel Natasha (the p-155) with flamethrower s that’s what I’m most interested in… structurally speaking they’re well suited for such an application. The portability is kind of hampered…(greatly) by their power requirements…at 240 3 phase they require 40 amp outlet
“Quiet” by Military standards means less than 120dB at 100 meters.
I’ve fantasized bout rigging a generator to the main engine…but really a hydraulic six axis on a tracked loader with servo valves would be exponentially more efficient. …I just want to get these programmable off an Arduino…easier said than done but I know it’s not impossible…well running them off aftermarket drives that is easier…buttt I’d really like to try and hack into these fanuc drives but it’s kinda over my paygrade…know anyone ?
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A very professional project.