This is a difficult thing to ask for. Before reading please note there is mention of death/suicide/possible indignation
trigger warning has been added to title in hopes it can remain on the forum.

I am writing this to find help with my projects for a large family (Residents of The Colony)
12/17 they lost the husband, father + provider for four children.

First and foremost, I need to collect data. from APPLE INC. DEVICES
for which I have all serial/IEMI info. iCloud codes are known, as well as iTunes password. Device needs to be unlocked possibly restored without losing his personal data. This is new to me, but I boldly took the iPad with a hope that some kind soul at DMS would become my new best friend/person I make cookies and lasagne for.

The goal here is to uncover the possibility of mischief leading up to his decision to commit suicide.

I realize this is an entirely Off Topic thread, with a lot of sensitive details. Please only reply or become involved if your interest is coming from a genuine place.
I cannot tolerate anyone responding to this post in a way that is disrespectful.

Please @name anyone who you feel would be empathetic to helping w/ this!
I will meet you at DMS Any time outside my business hours and offer you varying forms of compensation
( Favorite things, Parts and supplies, Food bribes, Cleaning whatever at DMS, gift cards maybe?) We will be square, don’t you worry.

I need to unlock the decedent’s iPAD, repair the screen, restore it to factory+Add Custom features

-This device will be passed down to oldest child in the household, and only daughter of the deceased.
-Her need for a strong, Ballistic ™ level of durability in a case is a crucial aspect of the completion of this project.

I am intending to extract all files and data from the decedent’s iPhone.
-There is sensitive information being requested by widow, ‘A’, we will call her, that TCPD has currently gagged.
-They will not provide widow with all information they have collected.
-She is prepared to file a lawsuit in order to gain a court order ‘Writ’ of possession.


Here are a few of the needs I have with competing projects. Attuned to memorialize their father

Memory Frame - Hand Print background - mixed media

Lithographic Clock
(Non-numerical; numerical triggers are everywhere for PTSD sufferers)

Laser Cut Decor/Organization/Personalized Children’s Items
-They were forced out of their home following the incident
-A great deal of their possessions were never recovered.
-their father’s most prized possessions are now in police evidence.

The needs are many, and they have a long road ahead.

If ever there were a more worthy use for this facility, this is it for me folks. This family has no funds to move forward with right now. All I am able to do is rally for them, and give all I got.

Community support, healing within a healthy environment, and public service are WHY I am a member, so that I can give more, to more people
This family, along with ANOTHER widow + children are in need of able bodies and minds beyond mine.
Who’s down?

Failure to mention, if you require cash payment for assisting me, I can absolutely pay you.
Here’s the thing…I can’t get quotes from local businesses - she has requested this be a private endeavor. She also hopes to avoid the expense of hiring private investigators. the CC balances are high enough right now.

This sounds like an issue for the police, have they been contacted?


Yes ma’am, the police are conducting their own internal investigation. They are also aware of my involvement, and are working with me as their schedules and mine allow. Do you prefer that I remove the topic?

I think it’s fine if someone wants to help but I would give them full disclosure if they choose to do so.

Okay, I am glad we agree, thanks for the feedback. It’s much appreciated