This is a difficult thing to ask for. Before reading please note there is mention of death/suicide/possible indignation
trigger warning has been added to title in hopes it can remain on the forum.
I am writing this to find help with my projects for a large family (Residents of The Colony)
12/17 they lost the husband, father + provider for four children.
First and foremost, I need to collect data. from APPLE INC. DEVICES
for which I have all serial/IEMI info. iCloud codes are known, as well as iTunes password. Device needs to be unlocked possibly restored without losing his personal data. This is new to me, but I boldly took the iPad with a hope that some kind soul at DMS would become my new best friend/person I make cookies and lasagne for.
The goal here is to uncover the possibility of mischief leading up to his decision to commit suicide.
I realize this is an entirely Off Topic thread, with a lot of sensitive details. Please only reply or become involved if your interest is coming from a genuine place.
I cannot tolerate anyone responding to this post in a way that is disrespectful.
Please @name anyone who you feel would be empathetic to helping w/ this!
I will meet you at DMS Any time outside my business hours and offer you varying forms of compensation
( Favorite things, Parts and supplies, Food bribes, Cleaning whatever at DMS, gift cards maybe?) We will be square, don’t you worry.
I need to unlock the decedent’s iPAD, repair the screen, restore it to factory+Add Custom features
-This device will be passed down to oldest child in the household, and only daughter of the deceased.
-Her need for a strong, Ballistic ™ level of durability in a case is a crucial aspect of the completion of this project.
I am intending to extract all files and data from the decedent’s iPhone.
-There is sensitive information being requested by widow, ‘A’, we will call her, that TCPD has currently gagged.
-They will not provide widow with all information they have collected.
-She is prepared to file a lawsuit in order to gain a court order ‘Writ’ of possession.
Here are a few of the needs I have with competing projects. Attuned to memorialize their father
Memory Frame - Hand Print background - mixed media
Lithographic Clock
(Non-numerical; numerical triggers are everywhere for PTSD sufferers)
Laser Cut Decor/Organization/Personalized Children’s Items
-They were forced out of their home following the incident
-A great deal of their possessions were never recovered.
-their father’s most prized possessions are now in police evidence.
The needs are many, and they have a long road ahead.
If ever there were a more worthy use for this facility, this is it for me folks. This family has no funds to move forward with right now. All I am able to do is rally for them, and give all I got.
Community support, healing within a healthy environment, and public service are WHY I am a member, so that I can give more, to more people
This family, along with ANOTHER widow + children are in need of able bodies and minds beyond mine.
Who’s down?