Need assistance making a boot template out of foam

So, I’m trying to make some boots - Basically trying to follow HenchWench’s awesome HowTo here -

But I’m completely stuck on what amounts to “step 1”. I’ve made a small version of the boot out of yoga mat, but I’m struggling making it out of “real” stuff. I’ve been trying to use cheap floor mats to make a “template” before I use better stuff from TNT, but I’m utterly failing. I think I’m on my 6th failed prototype by this point and I’m losing hope in my ability to do this solo. Mostly the struggle has been the arched part over the top of the foot - trying to get that piece to fit at all is proving impossible, much less in any way that has remotely clean seams to work with. I don’t have photos of it all, but some of my latest attempts are here Attempts at Boots... - Album on Imgur

Is there a foamsmithing expert who wouldn’t mind lending me some time making just the basic boot shape? I’m confident in my ability to finish and detail and all of that once I have a basic shape to work on top of, but I’m really struggling with that part. If I could commission a couple hours of someone’s time on a weekend or weeknight to solve this one problem, I would be immensely grateful. (And since this probably would require hands on time and not just advice over the internet, I’d be more than willing to pay for your time if required)

Maybe instead of 2 halves, cut it down to more flatter “slices” so that you don’t have to work with complex shapes.
P.S. no actual experience making boots. Just thinking that it’s not easy to make 3d from flat non stretchy 2d pieces if you try them making them in “one” piece.

Does it have to foam?

Have you considered vacuforming it or using something like worbla?

I don’t think it has to be foam, no. That’s just what’s in the tutorial. Would worbla be any easier to shape though? That’s the part I’m having trouble with.

Soften the worbla with a heat gun and you can easily work it. Axie @axeonos and Kris @Kriskat30 have taught classes on it.

Is there a foamsmithing expert who wouldn’t mind lending me some time making just the basic boot shape? I’m confident in my ability to finish and detail and all of that once I have a basic shape to work on top of, but I’m really struggling with that part. If I could commission a couple hours of someone’s time on a weekend or weeknight to solve this one problem, I would be immensely grateful. (And since this probably would require hands on time and not just advice over the internet, I’d be more than willing to pay for your time if required)

Sure I have a class tomorrow on this very subject I will be happy to show you how to make a boot template


D’OH. Thanks for the heads up, but I got yanked away from the internet all night and didn’t see this until too late. I’ll keep my eye out for that class if it comes around again. :slight_smile:

just message me here and I will show you how to make you template on day at MS