Need Assistance Building Simple Fixture

I need to build a simple three-sided drill fixture out of 1/2" aluminum. It’s roughly 8x6x1" and has several holes for drill bushings and will need holes for bolting it all together. I’ve created a solid model that I’m happy with.

Extreme accuracy isn’t a requirement but I’d like to get everything as close as practical. I could do this with nothing but a drill press but I’d rather use the Bridgeport. I’ve used it before (years ago) but since it’s now ‘training required’ I need a hand. I’m happy to trade food, adult beverages, cash, etc. for assistance. I’m hoping this can be knocked out in a couple of hours or less. My schedule is pretty flexible but evenings or weekend is best. Prefer sooner rather than later.

PM if you can help…

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Is there any reason you couldn’t make it out of 3 separate aluminum plates and then weld it together? That might be faster and cheaper, that’s a decent amount of metal to remove.
Point is moot if you’ve already bought material.

It’s three pieces of half inch plate, bolted together. I wanted to use the Bridgeport to square the edges (which were roughly cut by supplier) and to bore the holes for the bushings.

Ah ok, that makes sense. Definitely much faster to machine 3 parts square than from solid billet! I am willing to help out, but I won’t have time this weekend. PM me if nobody else offers over the weekend?

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Will do, thanks!

If it is going to be made to use drill busing, Alumin Bar stock can be used - easier to machine and lighter. The steel busing takes all the wear.

Yes. And sorry, to be clear - the rectangular base is 1/2" plate. The two side walls are 1/2 thick aluminum bar.

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I’m assuming that the side bar with the holes, is where the drill bits will pass through? Don’t mean to go Capt. Obvious, but if that is made from aluminum, won’t steel bits auger out the holes, and make the jig lose precision rapidly?

Jig uses bushings

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Ahhh, bushings not busings…