Looking to have a custom 8 inch chefs knife made. Would love for a local to do it!
Are you looking for:
- a forged blade
- a “stock removal” (e.g. using a grinder) blade, or
- a commercial blade with a custom handle (exotic wood or ??).
Having a better idea of what you’re looking for would help.
It’s a lot easier to allow one to select from knives already made than to make a knife specifically to someone’s exact specs: sometimes, as a knife is being made, adjustments have to happen, and it’s a lot easier to finish a changed blade than to start over. I know we have some folks here who have made knives, but I don’t know if we have anyone who has made a LOT of knives.
You may have better luck looking at an online store or at a renaissance festival like Scarborough Faire. The Texas Renaissance Festival is going on north of Houston from now to Nov 25th - maybe you could make a weekend trip? https://www.texrenfest.com/
in addition to what @HankCowdog said, what kind of details were you looking for on the knife? etching on the blade? carved handle? custom knife block? does it summon the dragonzord
Can you make a knife that summons the dragonzord? Asking for a friend.
I could. Need you pay the power coin upfront though
Seriously though, if you want a replica dragon dagger, PM me.