My D-bot got an upgrade

I built the D-bot 3D printer that was shared on Thingiverse (D-Bot Core-XY 3D Printer ). My printer uses a 13"x13"x1/4" MIC-6 aluminum plate with a Keenovo 750W silicone AC heater. I was unhappy with the lack of support the print bed had so I decided to add in a 3 leadscrew modification. This mod (D-bot Belted 3 screw Z) uses three leadscrews that are connected together with a GT2 timing belt, either 1 or 2 stepper motors, and a two pulleys to adjust belt tension.


My particular iteration uses two stepper motors and 40T GT2 pulleys on the leadscrews as well as the stepper motors. This way I didn’t have to recalculate my Z-axis steps per mm. I did have to add some spacers on the rear leadscrew nut mount but it seems to be dialed in pretty well. Before the mod I was limited to a maximum Z axis speed of 600mm per minute which isn’t entirely bad though it would take about 30 seconds for my print bed to go full travel. After the mod I tested the maximum speed and had actually reached 1800mm per minute. I tried 2100mm per minute but it just skipped steps. So I’m now somewhere between 1800 and 2100mm per minute. Just to be safe I am running it at 1200mm.

Here’s a short video showing the motion


I’ve had my D-Bot sitting on my desk for a year waiting for me to get around to fine tuning and finishing up. Seeing yours makes me want to get it finished.