i have a few problems, so im going to just list them.
I keep seeing error messages when i try to slice objects in kiss slicer. ive seen a variety of errors ever since, i accidentally left my account open and someone tinkered with my kisslice settings. see attached image for more information.
when i print no matter which printer i use or my kisslice settings, when the printer begins, the first 10-15 seconds nothing is extruded even though the printer is behaving like it is extruding. this causes the print to fail a couple layers later when the printer begins a new layer, but theres now nothing under it to adhere to.
my Z-axis is all wonky. the printers continually jump up and down from layer to layer, sometimes as many as 5 layers at a time. This is obviously causing problems.
between problems 2&3 happening they are causing my prints to lose their grip on the bed by the 5th layer.
what do you mean by setting? im using the defaults i thought. i dont have the STL anymore. i cant access my member drive so all my STl’s get deleted everytime i log out. i had downloaded from thingiverse. i think it was called the benchy battleship. its a battleship version of the benchy boat thats about 3 inches long and designed to be used as a keychain.
The error code is something returned from Lua. My guess is that it has something to do with where you are trying to save the file. Try saving somewhere else.
Move the head to 0,0 (“lower left corner”) and manually extrude 10-15 mm at a time until you get a good smooth little pile of plastic come out. Then start your job.
There’s your problem. I had the same issue with 3-4 consecutive prints, so I went to the most recent 3D Fabrication Committee meeting and explained my issue. Turns out that the slicing software on the sole remaining computer in 3D Fab is either incompletely installed, buggy, or mis-configured.
Don’t use the computer located in the 3D Fab room. Instead, use one of the computers located in the Common room specified for 3D Printing use.
Once I moved to the computers in the Common room to slice and load my files, they turned out fine.
I would like it if the 3D Fab Committee communicated the status of the computer in the 3D Fab room, and it’s go-forward purpose, usage-wise. @themitch22
The computer in 3d fab is for OCTOPRINT ONLY. Please do all of you slicing and modeling out in the common room. The version of Kisslicer in 3d fab had been disabled and will not slice properly.