Mushroom growing/mycology SIG Interest?

We still have the jars, and now we have a new autoclave that can fit large items :slightly_smiling_face: I tossed the large bag of substrate because it was infested with tiny beetles. We have some nice grow bags that Johnny donated, and the rest of the class materials are in a box on the shelf. Pretty sure we have petri dishes and agar.

Oh yeah, i forgot i had ordered some unicorn bags too. I am assume ben knows what those are. So he should have a reasonable start.

Sorry about the beetles, a member had donated the chips and it didn’t occur to me they could have already had some residents :grimacing::flushed:

I’m interested.

I’d be interested in a class! Don’t have a clue about it, but love to eat them. Would just depend on scheduling…

I’m interested in learning to grow shiitake and portobello mushrooms. I’ve watched some videos, but a class (even online) would be great!


Interested. I have grown pink and blue/grey oyster from prepared blocks in a monotub setup. Would love to learn to grow grain spawn or bigger bag blocks types.