Instead of buying new 4’ x 8’ plasma cutter, which I understand is the plan… Below is a used Multicam plasma (same size) which would allow for members to utilize common training between the MultiCam CNC in the wood shop and a MultiCam Plamsa… Having a new device with 50+ people already comfortable with the software could be a good thing…
No, my group is bigger!
Thanks for the suggestion, but in the multi-hour meeting to discuss which machine’s capabilities would be best for DMS we decided on the one we picked by vote.
Approved is in interesting number, but number of active members who are well-versed and knowledgeable I fear is a much lower number. Case in point, I’ve taken the 1.5 hr. PlasmaCAM class but would not be qualified to evaluate, test, or train on another PlasmaCAM.
To assume that this unit is ‘a problem unit’ is exactly that- an assumption. It could be they’ve upgraded units and/or no longer have a business need for the device. I understand we have a good relationship with MultiCam and have not had many issues with ours.
If we were to get serious; appropriate research, and likely a site visit would be merited before spending money, but there is an expression about assumptions that I can’t quite recall, but my be valid here…
Several of the tools in wood shop are used/ on loan, the auto lift was also used; and all these items are serving members well.
Actually not the same size as the planned purchase… but research completed. Company buys used equipment and reconditions it to sell. Yes we could inspect it, however not sure how many members feel like jaunting to Michigan (Warren specifically) on the off chance we might be interested in this machine in the next 21 days when the Auction is done. If we were interested, how much would shipping cost since it has to be out of the facility before 10/17. It won’t currently fit in Metal Shop, so where do we store it until the expansion is complete? Here’s a link to the company selling it.
One other thing to consider is how different plasma is especially when your using ohmic or voltage torch height control. Your using 2d DXF, not a 2.5D or 3d for toolpaths like a router, so instead of using Vcarve, you would use sheetcam or similar plasma program, and on the machine control usually plasmas use a G28.1 touch off or probe command to find Z height instead of on a router with G54 work offsets so different post processor. And the plasma has a water table or downdraft instead of vaccum table. So really anyone who knows multicam might have a leg up on the jog shuttle or general controller interface, but I wouldnt think that would help a ton.
I’m saying that I took an hour and a half class on the PlasmaCAM and would consider myself a beginner. Stan cited the ‘authorized’ users, but I made the observation that not all users are masters after one class.
I have taken most of Kee’s class which are very Fusion 360 and/or MultiCam centric, plus I have done the Haas Training which is is very Fusion 360 centric. Thus far, my experience with our current Plasma CAM is that it’s operation is closer to the Laser cutters than the Multicam CNC or the Hass. In an ‘ideal’ Makerspace, it would be nice if the equipment from department to department were as similar as possible so that our experience on one device would help with other devices.
I don’t claim to know enough to have a valid opinion, but as a user; I have the impression that my experience on the MultiCam CNC would carry over to another MultiCAM device.
You win “Dad Joke Of The Week”
I thought my leaf one was bad … haha
It was hard to pick! You get the runner up award for sure.