Multicam IPM tuning help needed

I’m about to cut quite a bit of plywood for some cabinets I need to make and just ordered a couple of Whiteside 1/4" 2+2 Compression bits (Model:

I’m cutting about 25 sheets of plywood (Maple 3/4") and would like to be able to find a reliable feed speed that can make quick work of all this cutting.

I noticed in the tool database there isn’t a tool made for compression bits (just downcuts and upcut bits), so if there’s anyone with knowledge regarding compression bits and what’s the fastest I can run this at I’d appreciate any feedback.

This feeds and speeds chart from Vortex can give you a ballpark idea.

@cghaly recently mentioned to me that most bits of similar size (diameter) and types (down vs up vs compression) will have similar speeds/feeds across manufacturers. (I hope I am paraphrasing accurately).

Here’s the link for Onsrud feeds and speeds if you want to compare…

Vortex for example, doesn’t appear to specify specific speeds/feeds for each individual bit rather they provide the general guideline in the link above and a way to calculate the right speed/feed based on the general chipload for the diameter of the bit and on what type of wood it will be cutting…

Example: A vortex 1/4 inch bit cutting MDF has a chip load of .013 -.016
An Onsrud 1/4 inch compression bit cutting MDF (60-100 model) is .013 - .015

Here are the formulas for determining the speeds…
Notice Onsrud recommends reducing the chipload by 25% when cutting 2X the diameter and by 50% when cutting 3X the diameter.

FORMULAS: Chip Load = Feed Rate / (RPM x # of cutting edges)
Feed Rate (IPM) = RPM x # of cutting edges x chip load
Speed (RPM) = Feed Rate / (# of cutting edges x chip load)

As for Whiteside, since they don’t seem to publish chipload (that I could find), but seeing the above similarities, I would say you’d be in the right ballpark if you referenced the links above to make your decision.

FYI, I just bought a Whiteside 1/4 downcut bit and used it to cut 3/4 Sande Plywood from Home Depot just last week. Here’s the vid. Running it at 252 in/min and 18000 RPM (i used the settings from the downbit in VCarve Library).

Hope this helps.