Multicam CNC class request

I have an urgent need of the CNC router using recently. Is there someone could give a class so I could get the certification of using CNC ASAP? 1-1 also works for me and would like to offer a payment to the teacher!

Are you a current member?

I just signed up today.

Yes, I’m a new member. Is it possible to have a class and use the CNC recently? I need to make a guitar project.

Here’s the latest thread about MultiCam training – Multicam Zone Cover Machining Underway

You’ll need to take the woodshop basics before even thinking about Multicam training so you’d do well to start there.

Yes, that’s what I was thinking. Will take the woodshop basics this Sat!

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The last update was 28 days ago…
Multicam Zone Cover Machining Underway

The last up date : Some things needed to be added… not sure what that means because there haven’t been any additional updates.

March 2 years ago DMS shut down… it’s been Almost 2 years since any training classes were offered… Very few people have been able to use the CNC for for various breakdowns lack of training…
Any clue how much longer this is going to take? Can we get a reasonable firm date as to when the classes go live?

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