Are there any MultiCam classes planned for July?
A couple members that I know have expressed an interest. Anyone else?
Are there any MultiCam classes planned for July?
A couple members that I know have expressed an interest. Anyone else?
Paging @cghaly
FYI, I believe Chris has been on vacation of late. He’s the only instructor so when personal needs come up …
Thanks @bertberaht
@cghaly my son @jaredrobertsteele and I are interested in taking a class when its convenient for you.
I am also interested in taking this class
Back in town now. A MultiCam class has been submitted for Monday, 8/19 @ 6:00pm.
Hello Chris. I would like to discuss with you the bass guitar project we discussed a couple months ago. I will resend a new email.
Hey Chris (@cghaly),
Do you have any plans on holding another MultiCam class soon? I have two ~14"x~36"x~2.5" persimmon tree live edge slabs I cut out with a chainsaw and they have been drying for about a year and a half now. I need to take them down to 2" thick so I can make a side table out of them.
Duncan Hughes
Yes. The MultiCAM classes are held once a month. Look fo the next one in early/mid October. The previous class was on 9/16
Hey, would it be possible to get another class in January? I am making an ev car for a contest in July (High school Solor car challenge - Non-profit) and I need to make a shell outline using plywood. Would love it if someone could help me get trained on the Multicam or if someone could assist who is already certified. Thanks!
I’d be happy to help. I can’t sign you off on the machine but can help you make your parts.
I have Spoken with Chris and he is not doing a class in December, but will resume with a full schedule after the first of the year.
So look for class postings then. Matt is also a great help.