Multicam Class Scheduling Poll

We are trying to determine the best times for classes. It would be great if class days and times could be standardized. This would also include checkouts.

So far Tuesday 7PM, Thursdays 7PM, and Saturday 1PM are popular candidates.

Will this work for everyone? If not, please let us know. Please keep in mind that we really desire to include 5 members per class. If someone has a really unusual schedule we will figure something out.


  • This will scheduled will work for me
  • I keep crazy hours :slight_smile:

0 voters


What about – I keep crazy hours, but those work for me anyway???


How long will the class be?

1 Like

Not sure as of yet. After two to three guinea pig classes we will have a decent idea. My guess is between 1-1/2 to 2 hours. Much longer will likely become unproductive for most students.

The road map calls for tutoring by other users to help candidates prepare for testing.


This is how I actually learned how to use the machine several years after my class.

@bertberaht spent about an hour and a half with me tableside.

I’ll be happy to be on the tutor list.