MSLA recommendations?

I’m really wanting an Elegoo Saturn but it seems like they aren’t currently available at all. Do you think I should wait for them to come back in stock, or go a different direction? What’s another similar printer as far as price, having the mono LCD, and print volume?

Maybe not quite the same pricepoint but maybe worth going this direction. Wow… I want badly.

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Yeah no not even remotely. I’m just looking for a hobby unit lol

I recently got the EPAX E10 and am pretty happy with it so far.

There is a version with a different hood, but for me I don’t think the ‘new’ hood is any better than the standard one since getting your hands inside is going to be a pain. Just lifting the whole thing off is just as easy.

My son’s company just got a similar printer and they decided they needed a media blaster for cleanup. It was just too slow picking out the crevices. But yes, droll worthy.