I have (or will have) about 25 moving boxes of average size (2x2x3’)ish and around 30# each to be moved to Idaho from home to home. I also have a 375# Winchester 24 gun safe that needs to make the journey although perhaps I should sell it locally and get another ($500 safe) I do have the means (truck and trailer) to move them, just not the time. (30 hr drive).
Any thoughts on a moving service for this? I’ve asked for traditional moving company quotes and that’s pending but I suspect they won’t be optimal.
Do any of the ‘bid ship’ services handle this sort of thing?
Thanks for reading!
When we moved from Ohio back to Texas we used a company called U-PACK. They drop a semi-trailer off and you fill it up as much as you need and then you put in a partition. They charge you only by the foot the amount of the trailer you used and then they fill up the rest of the trailer with other people’s stuff. Its kind of a first in-last off type situation. We always used the full trailer, so I can’t really attest to how that whole part of it works. What I mostly remember is that it was affordable, they were really flexible, and left us with ample time to load/unload.
They also have mini-boxes (similar to PODS) that were reasonably priced.
Almost all the larger moving services do what you are asking.
The process is easy.
The price varies wildly.
Buy a new gun safe. They charge by the square foot and by weight.
I do not know what you are shipping. If there is enough value, look at moving insurance from your current insurance company instead of the movers insurance.
Good tips. Thank you.
Still wondering if the services like bidship and uship deal with a collection of items rather than one large item (what I have seen them used for).
We used ABF, but they might be the same as U-PACK mentioned above. We researched all the different moving companies (including driving several back-and-forth trips) moving from Minnesota to Texas, and this was the best value.