Moved(Rain) -> Dec 14 10-2pm - KidsQuest 2.0 Grand Opening

The only information I have is this tentative date due to possible rain.
I will update this as I get more information.

DMS is the guest of honor & sponsor for the 1.3 million dollar kids park upgrade.
Come one come all.
Should be a blast with TV/News media coverage
Will also be carving peoples names at the grand reopening with the Shapeoko.
Showing kids how to CNC.

This is great PR for the space.
Let’s rally behind it.

Could use some volunteers.

  • Like someone to run the Shapeoko w/ more experience than me @John_Marlow ?
  • & Some one that can transport it.

@Team_Moderators - Can you pin this for the month


Kevin, hopefully I pinned to the right spot.


Is there a link, address, is the one in Mesquite, as the Google overlords told me? What does it mean that we are the sponsor? Sounds cool, but I feel like I missed a prior post or whole thread.

It’s not pinned right

Where should it be pinned?

No longer bringing the Shapeoko.
So there’s no work left to do.

Just show up and have fun.

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Hey guys due to the 3 days of rain coming up starting Thursday the grand opening has been moved to Dec 14th 10am-2pm & they have extended us an invitation to have a marketing table.


Kevin, I have watched you help make this awesome event happen from early planning stages. You have me super impressed with how much you have done for this park upgrade to benefit the kids in this community. You have given a huge PR gift to the space and folks if you have not seen the beautiful brass plaque that Kevin and @LAndras made on the Haas with Dallas Makerspace on it that will go up in the park then you should definitely come to the opening. I’m really proud of the amazing work you guys have done and I’m sure the BoD is as well. I plan on being there and I hope as many members of DMS as possible will join me. Congratulations on a fantastic effort to make this happen!


Erbodys invited