As we are in recommendation mode… any recommendations for some engine rebuilding. Loss of compression on a MB C250 turbo. I’m only getting 50 PSI on one cylinder compared to 170. I’m in the colony and for the most part don’t care where the shop is as the job is done right.
Would you consider DIY@DMS or can’t afford the down time?
Dead cylinder = a lot of labor hours = may not be worth the cost to repair (depending on age of car and attachment to car)
Might be more cost effective to swap out with known good condition motor.
Covered under an extended warranty and I can’t afford the downtime. I am looking at getting a project motor to rebuild up there. When some storage opens up.
Perhaps @TLAR can recommend a place or the closest MB dealership?
What year is your Benz ?
2013 c250 turbo (Because 20 )
MASSIVE PILE!!! Fix and flip that thing AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!
If under extended warranty and it’s covered, I’d rent a car for a week, off-airport to avoid massive taxes and fees, while being done. That cost a couple hundred and at least enterprise will deliver and pick-up car.
I’d suggest opting as photomancer posted above - have the warranty folks fix it and rent a heap to drive.
Here is a good shop(I called friend at my former place of work for the referral) - they are in Frisco though:
972.335.3594 Ask for Wendi
thank you. I will try her again tomorrow, she had already left.
Thanks again!
Thanks! I’m dropping my car off there today.
thx again!
Thank you everyone for the suggestions.
My problems ended up being a cracked exhaust valve.
thanks again!
Would you mind sharing if it was covered under a warranty and if so by whom? Mercedes, aftermarket, etc?
Just curious if you don’t mind (if you do - I understand that as well).
Happy to hear it was resolved.
Sure., I don’t mind. let me type it up and I’ll post it.