We have a few more new goodies in Jewelry
We now have a teardrop cutter similar to the disc cutter It is not as fancy and it is a
little different to use Catch me and I can show you
It has a nice wooden box It is in the basket with the disc cutters Use either the new
orange mat or leather under it Brass hammer rule still applies
I will be putting up an open workshop for next week That would be a great time to catch me
We have a new large texture hammer with diamonds and stars on ti
and another hammer with interchangeable heads and I left some fancy screwdriver heads
that can be used as stamps They are in the white cardboard box in the cabinet
We now have some Jax Green Patina it is with the LOS
The new brass brush is in with the files until I can figure a better place
It is great for cleaning off the dullness from using pickle
The small riveting hammer arrived with a broken hammer, they are sending us another one
I need to find someone to do a simple fix on the one that came, it will then have a slightly shorter handle
On Thursday I will move the new center punch nail sets and the new stamping toold into that same box