@Team_Infrastructure @artg_dms @Bill @wandrson
I have presented two classes based on the Wemos D1 Mini, a microcontroller board that sells for $4.00 and includes WiFi. I now have one in my cave sending temperature data to the cloud every twenty seconds. The wild swings come with a two story house with one HVAC and thermostat downstairs!
It seems that DMS could use these in a number of ways. Send temperature data for the server room and other critical areas to the cloud like my example and send a Tweet when temperature exceeds some limit. Send an email when water from a roof leak or condensate line is detected in areas that have experienced leaks. Log the times that cabinet doors containing expensive equipment are opened. This could make reviewing video much easier. Log or email when server room doors are opened. Log temperature of each server or other sensitive equipment.
To test the concept, I will loan one unit to @Team_Infrastructure for a month and configure it as they specify. If it is seen as useful, the price of parts is under $20 each. My time, of course, if free and if we deploy several units, I will run a class to spread the knowledge and provide backup.
ThingSpeak is an IoT service that provides service free for non commercial use. I think we fit into that criteria but BoD should have someone review that if we decide to start using the service beyond a trial.
I have had classes on Build a $10 Alarm the Tweets and Arduino: Blynk into the Internet of Things using the Wemos. For the upcoming classes, you only need to bring a configured laptop - I furnish everything else.