I own Rigid Miter Saw Stand. Is there any reason why I would’t want to mount a my small table saw or router table to it?
Here’s the stand: Click Here
I own Rigid Miter Saw Stand. Is there any reason why I would’t want to mount a my small table saw or router table to it?
Here’s the stand: Click Here
The only concern I would have would be WRT stability: miter saws move while the wood stays stationary. In contrast, on table saws and routers, you are pushing the wood through the tool. If the base were too narrow, you might tip the tool over when pushing.
This would be more of a concern using large pieces of plywood on the table saw. I built a small rolling stand for my Makita saw (20+ years ago?) and had this exact problem. I ended up adding outriggers to make the base footprint wider.