Has anyone seen a tree? It is a 5’ pseudobombax ellipticalum.
Has anyone seen a tree? It is a 5’ pseudobombax ellipticalum.
Yes, I think I spotted in in a Dr. Seuss Book on crypto-dendrology - “Horton Hallucinates a Hazelwood”.
I will pop back in the Tardis and retrieve it from the Daleks.
But seriously, it is spelled Pseudobombax ellipticum (not calum) aka “The Shaving Brush Tree”. Where did you see it last headed to?
JAG “Pine Cone Eating Champion” MAN
It was in the Bio area. Currently it was just pushing forth its spring growth.
It was in the Bio area. Currently it was just pushing forth its spring growth.
And it is 5 feet tall? I would ask one of the other Bio members as I haven’t been to DMS in several weeks.
Honestly, I thought you were joking for a minute; sorry about that.
Well… not really.
But I do hope the tree turns up.
JAG “Ents Get Morning Wood Too” MAN
Yay! Success! We found it! No harm. No foul. THANK YOU EVERYONE AND ESPECIALLY PEARCE.
So… Did it leave?
Things have been kind of crazy in Bio. Lots of stuff getting moved around, anyway.
We’ve been working on turning the Bio area into a lean, mean, bioengineering machine. Sorry if it caused you our your tree distress.
We recovered tree from the trash with some dumpster diving efforts. It was broken in half but the large root base was unharmed so it will live to see another day.
Darryl helped me clean the break to the trunk and after a little TLC, it’s already shooting forth new growth: four new branches!
@Heather_Williamee ~ I’m so glad it’s springing new life!
(It’s too bad someone took it out of the BIO area and tried to kill it… err, I mean ‘displaced it into the dumpster’… )
But so awesome that it’s showing new signs of LIFE!
I was starting to wonder what kinda bio you guys were doing to make it grow legs & walk away.
I’ll have to put that one on the “To Do” list…
I’ll have to put that one on the “To Do” list…
I would suggest starting your research with the keywords: “Tolkien” and “Weird-Ass Forests”…
JAG “Radagast the Hippie” MAN