Hey folks, some leafs from a leaf spring are missing. They were in automotive last night near the lift side.
Need them back very soon please! Thanks.
Hey folks, some leafs from a leaf spring are missing. They were in automotive last night near the lift side.
Need them back very soon please! Thanks.
They were put in the dumpster last night at 21:16 by people cleaning up Automotive. The dumpster was emptied this morning at 9:38.
Who throws out another man’s leaf spring?
Who leaves a leaf spring in pieces on somebody else’s shop floor?
Accidentally left when test driving Jeep Ethan helped me take them apart so we could give them to all the blacksmithing people
Jeep left at 20:48
Thrown away at 21:14
Ethan still on premises…
Sounds like a Blacksmithing problem.
Though, a pointed talk post or something would have been nice, for as large as leaf springs are. It’s not like these are some bolts that got swept up with the normal dust. Would have been a legitimate effort to huck those in the bin.
“Who left this junk 20 minutes ago?”
To be fair, they were sorta in the way of the lift, and were disassembled. They should have been put on a shelf or table, and they likely wouldn’t have been trashed.
Disclaimer: I didn’t have anything to do with either event, I just looked at the camera to see where they went after Luke mentioned them being missing.
People should have leafed them alone … ( snickers )
I think it would make more sense to me if it had been longer than 25 minutes since they were mistakenly left, and had the new owner not still be at the makerspace.
I’m of the mind that a quick “anyone know anything about these sizable pieces of metal sitting here?” before hucking them into the dumpster would have been reasonable. Now valuable spring steel is sitting in a landfill.
Not to say they should have been left where they were, but throwing them away 25 minutes after they were left there is a bit overzealous.
OK I guess my confusion comes from working logistics so long. Ive never thrown away a project unless it had been sitting for 30 days.
If it’s on a shelf or table I could see that, but random car parts sitting next to the lift have been an issue in the past from my memory.
I’ll grant that but this wasn’t a random water pump or shock absorber, but a set of rather large leaf springs. That nobody called out to bystanders to see if anyone owned them, before just dumping them, is a bit disappointing.
Mind you it doesn’t affect me either way, I’m just a little surprised
Any personal tool, project or resource that I move out of sight from for longer than ten minutes, I just slap a slip of paper or tape on with my name and phone number. Lets folks know it isn’t intentionally abandoned and a way to contact me if there is a problem. Easy, low effort solution.
Well that’s a very unfortunate “no” to my any leaf springs left question. I get its the clean up crews purview on what’s done with things left like that but man that’s a lot of wasted material.
I’ll add that there was a LOT of discussion about these leaf springs in TALK. There were a large number of people and a committee hoping to acquire some of them for various projects. Surely someone in the clean up crew had witnessed the discussion and could have mitigated their placement in the dumpster.
Having said that, I think placing a note on them with a contact phone number would have been a better solution to the problem.
Of course, there are lots or areas at DMS where stuff, tools, clutter, material, etc just gets left for someone else to clean up. This is perhaps the root cause of a lot of material going into the dumpster. It is a much easier solution than trying to locate, hunt down, or ask around about stuff left lying around.
Should Automotive or the back area have a Lost and Found for larger items? In other areas, if something is left it is not thrown away.
This probably ought to serve as a functional reminder of how small a percentage of membership is active on talk, and those that are, don’t necessarily read outside their areas of interest.