Missing from Electronics Lab

The old gray bench light is missing from the E lab. It was on the shelf above the bench next to the Pick n Place machine. It is a personal item on loan to the E lab. If you have it or know where it is please return it to the E lab. No questions asked.

I would prefer not to have to go through the video from lab camera to find out where it is.


It’s in the back of the lecture hall, half-assedly bolted to one of the chairs. Sorry, that was my fault. I needed a lamp, & it was the only halfway-mobile thing I could find. If I’m up there today before you are, I’ll put it back.


No hurry as long as it makes it back. Thanks for letting me know.

Got this lite from Fred’s. Replace the halogen w/led and…

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Well, crud. I guess it was a different “old gray bench light” that I was thinking of, because the one I used (and have returned where I got it from) has three small fluorescent tubes, & the old style red/black button control.

That’s the one. Look for my name on the base in silver Sharpie.

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Well, it’s back where it ought to be. Merry Christmas!

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