Missing flash drive

I was on the Thunder laser today around noon to 1 and left my flash drive in the computer. It is a blue and white Lexar. Can you please let me know if you have seen it or accidentally picked it up.

In high school, the bathroom keys were given large attachments so they would not be “lost”.

The “I forgot my flash drive” conversation is a 1-2 time per week TALK message.

Seems like we could do something in reverse from high school. Create a 8 inch square that is painted hazard yellow. You put that with your stuff when you start using your flash drive. When you are leaving you have a bright yellow gizmo to remind you to pickup your flash drive. Food for thought.

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The laser area has a small box labeled Orphaned Thumb Drives. Folks are very reliable about depositing them there.

The lost and found is a post game event.

What can be done before hand?

I have habits to help around forgetting things. One of the many joys of aging.

Understood. Staying on topic by answering OP’s immediate concern.

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Members are welcome to get one of the Blue Safety Lanyards over in Machine Shop. You could wear it or put another tag with name on it (could pimp it out with various options in CA: Dye sub dog tag, Metazza, Shapeoko). But just the blue lanyard makes it more obvious and less likely to be over looked.

Me. I really need some variation of idiot mittens for my glasses.

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I went back to look. Someone else was using the Thunder and had their drive in the computer.

Your drive was not in the box either. And it has not been turned in to Lost and Found up front unless yours is red and white instead of blue.

Does that mean you are running again?

Laying the ground work for Nick! :wink:@nicksilva

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I tend to attach things that I really shouldn’t leave places without (jacket, laptop bag, etc) to my keys. It’s hard to drive away when your keys are in your laptop bag that is still sitting in your client’s office.