Reading through the board today, I rejuvenate my curiosity at the…flow of information, especially erroneous information, through a population. In my job, I hold certain knowledge as ‘original’. This is to say, I was there when it was founded. When the process was implemented, I literally helped write down the steps to be passed along through training and other channels to users of said process. Then, as I observed the flow of information from pure source to point of use, even though the original documentation is available, and the originator of that documentation is available for questioning, like the Telephone Games of our youth, I could literally observe the morph from fact, function, and implementation to rumor, dysfunction, and confusion. I have never understood WHY it seems like the spreaders of good, sound, documented information get plowed under by spreaders of bad, unfounded, and, especially, CONTRARY to documented information. I am certainly NOT well-versed in psychology, psychiatry, nor any other venue of understanding humans and their motivations, but it seems like some one of those occupations, having as many subscribers as they do, would have coined a phrase to describe this…dystopian destruction of “truth” by rumor; replacement of documentation with misinformation. Ah. Misinformation. What a nifty word. what a nifty concept. “Oh, sorry. I did not mean to MISINFORM you. I just didn’t bother referring you to canon, and instead chose to insert my own [malevolent?] incorrect interpretation of the proceedings…” But, when misinformation (oopsy!) is done intentionally [evil laugh], it’s called “disinformation” (interestingly, I learned, a concept made concrete by Joseph Stalin, originally named by the same “dezinformatsiya” to make it sound French and Western, in a certain recursive irony.)
This post has little point but to ask you, in your stumblings through life (or, perhaps your path is a beeline; it’s not terribly important here), have you discovered a name for the phenomenon of rumor, gossip, and implication displacing actual documented information? Do we assume it’s out of ignorance?
I mean, if the spreader is questioned, and admits they had no idea there was a document, that makes sense. What if they know of the document, but haven’t actually read it? What if they read it, but recall improperly? What if they simply didn’t understand (maybe they read at a 12th grade level, but it’s written for post-grad doctoral candidates, which they might some day become, but are not yet)?
Does that change when it’s due to lack of intellect equal to understanding what is documented?
What if it’s due to malice?
This seems like a good place to put this. Apropos, I’m sure, in some way…