Minor collision (humor)


Just looking at those cars when they are on the road scares me…seriously. I think driving a motorcycle is safer.

My former neighbor had one. I knew when she had a blow out in one of her tires because that part of the vehicle would get body damage. I think she finally wised up after several times.

I will say it was quite interesting seeing 3 people piling in that car. Two in the front seats & one person in the back.

I found it really amazing to see Randy (Stan’s boss) and his equally tall son climb out of a Smart car…

Smart car haters. Those cars are really fun to drive. If you ever want to try one, get some work done by honest 1 auto care in castle hills, Lewisville. They have three of them as loaner cars. The transmission is garbage, but you can literally race everybody, even the police.

I got tires at honest 1 and grabbed the loaner last week. While at traffic lights I would just give the car next to me a little rev and watch as no matter the car or driver, once it hit green everyone gunned it. Including the Carrollton SUV cop at valley view and Luna. Too much fun.

P.S. @mblatz your crazy saying these are less safe than motorcycles. Insert any motorcycle crash video below.

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I am crazy…crazy like a fox Smart car owner!

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The problem with smart cars is that they have very little in the way of crumple zones so you get more force of the collision transferred into your body. :frowning:

They do have less crumple zones than larger cars. Which in the hard crashes can lead to more injuries. But, they are built very strong and in crash testing they have done ok. Another issue is this is effectively a 1 person car, it isn’t all that comfortable with two people in it.

On the other hand, they are super small, being 6ft 5in I wouldn’t think this a plus, but it really is. The car is a ton of fun to drive, just like a go kart. But, your aloud to drive it on the street!!! Also, the low power motor forces you to punch it when you want to pass and move through traffic, giving the racing feeling without putting you too far over the speed limit. Most cars these days require you to be well above the speed limit to get the same engine feeling. Then you get to parking, with the smart car all parking spots are comically large. You see two assholes with giant trucks parked across lines, no prob, swing in there and park with easily a foot left and right of the vehicle.

In the end, the smart car is such an off shoot from standard car design that it feels like you are just sticking your tongue out at everyone you see. But, instead of people getting mad about it, they laugh and smile along with you. I really wish I had a good excuse to own a second car, the smiles I get from the driving the loaner smart car at honest 1 have been awesome.


For me, any wishes toward smart car went bye-bye when Randy’s blew something significant in the engine at only 20K miles…

But that is Randy, he is a special case. He and his son both play hard on their vehicles if you know what I mean. There is always some story to his issues with vehicles. :wink:

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I’d like to find an cheap smart car to play with a short range electrical project


That is a sad fact about all electric cars …short range.
My car can make it to and from San Antonio and allow for 70 +/- miles of in and around driving and not have to “refill”…

for this it would be all about jamming around town with oodles of torque

Just invest in a really long extension cord…


Nah, you simply plug 100x10ft extension cords into each other, fire marshals prefer that :smiley:


SMART dispenser

Any car you can get from a vending machine ( yes it’s real - I’ve seen them in person ) is suspect in my book…


There’s a Carvana vending machine over near The Colony / Plano border on the Sam Rayburn.

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Though they asked to be in The Colony, it is actually in Frisco.

It has had quite a range of cars in it. My recollection is that it is tiny compared to the VW factory delivery silo.

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I think driving a motorcycle is safer.

I don’t. There was a recent news story about a dude in a Smart car who was hit by a police car going an estimated 140mph at impact. Dude required lots of treatment but survived.

104 and the driver of the Smart car was horrifically f***** up. To the tune of traumatic brain injury, a broken left arm, back, ribs and pelvis and he had to have his spleen removed. Far more messed up than if he had a car with real crumple zones. I’d never own one of those deathtraps.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/state/florida/article167761337.html#storylink=cpy
