Minecraft Server Status Announcements

Fellow makers,

I’ll try to get Minecraft server addresses posted by 6:30-7:00 this evening and a draft set of server rules posted around the same time.

The servers aren’t fully set up yet (not all plugins are configured), but I intend to open them up to the general membership and post their addresses here early this evening. As much as possible, I’ll try to get the remaining configuration steps done during non-peak hours. None of the remaining plugins will alter the world files, so the map should not be affected. Backups are being taken frequently, so any major catastrophes can and will be undone.

The Tekkit server has been up most of the time since last Thursday evening. It’s running on a new machine (well, it’s from 2008/2009, but entirely new to me). I needed to load it to be sure it was reasonably stable, so I’ve been letting several members play on it since Thursday. The agreement was that I might have to wipe it, but I currently see no reason to do so.

The vanilla server has been on occasionally for plugin testing. I believe no one has been building on it otherwise, so it should be an almost pristine world.

I’ll be in the Room 1 area (the area with tables in the southwest corner) tonight, either configuring plugins or playing. Feel free to join me.


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Hi I’m going to be a new member here at dallas maker space and I was wondering if I could have the server ip?
If it is whitelisted my ign is: Sawyer14

Nearly all the info listed here is still correct:

The one major exception is that both servers are running on the same physical machine now. As a consequence, within the DMS network, the vanilla server is at

If either server is down or having some other problem, email me at [email protected] and I’ll get to it as soon as I can.