I managed to clear a shelf in our grey cabinet by consolidating all the 1/2" mill ends into boxes. As a result, I’ve moved the 3 boxes of parallels to that shelf. This will be a little easier to find and not have to try to squeeze into the little island that is the HAAS toolbox. cheers!
Have y’all checked out the small rolling toolboxes Woodshop has been using? They’re cheap, and work very well.
we’re actually good on toolbox space.
we need the shelves that the cabinets provide since some of the tooling is pretty tall.
I’m just making some extra space and organizing a bit differently,
I used the Bridgeport since you have consolidated the end mills and relocated some of the parallels and 1x2x3 blocks into the gray cabinet. Great improvement having appurtenances right where they are needed, in the 5S way. Perhaps, we can hang by magnet or pocket a calipers and cheap calculator in the cabinet since these are also needed at the mill on a routine basis.
Also, that was a fine initiative the way you “decrappified” the main lower drawer of the craftsman cabinet and got the pile of clamps the home it needed. It was some kind of useless electrical parts landfill for at least 18 months.
thank you. I got the rest of the toolbox in order as well. I’m throwing everything useless into the black bin located under the sherline table.
People should take a look to make sure something in there and the other gray tub, that are absolutely necessary. Otherwise some things will get moved to the freebie shelf, and the rest dumpstered before open house.
Will; rummage through black bin when up there there next, maybe tomorrow or Tuesday.
Please let me know before you put things on the freebie shelf or in the dumpster. I’d like to look through it and see if there’s anything I can use. I’m happy to pitch some donations towards metal shop for anything I can use.
stop by the machine shop and look thru the bin
Will swing by tomorrow. I have some donations to drop off at Metal Shop.
Nice of you to donate to METAL shop, any room in your heart for MACHINE shop?
Do they have any need for aluminum welding wire?
Thanks Nick!